- Push design - with this design, when there is an updates happened, the server will notify the client program. The design will be more complicated (in both client program and server program) as compared to the Pull design.
- Pull design - with this design, the client program will continuously query the server for the updates. Of course, this design is very simple but it comes with a bigger costs (in terms of bandwidth and server processing power) when the number of connections grow.
Using socket or web socket to implement the push design:
- This is one of the basic element to implement the push design. So, you must learn how to write socket program. With .Net, you may use WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) to implement this idea but you still need to learn the technical details of what is all about socket and how it works with different configuration.
- Imagine that user A key in a new blog post throught a website and then all the followers will be notified within a few seconds. In this case, the server will send a signal (either using TCP or UDP) to the "online users" (i.e., the user must run a client program and sitting down in the computer to wait for the incoming signal). The preferred way to send the signal is using UDP which you can find lots of information about TCP vs UDP.
- Other than how to send the signal, one of the challenge is the how secure is your data when it is travelling from the server to the client or vice versa. Of course, with WCF, you have the choice of choosing different configuration. In other platform (other than .Net), you will might have to implement the security over the socket communication using SSL/TLS. Just to share with you that you can implement SSL/TLS in Python easily.
- I guess we are quite lucky with the modern programming languages because most of the modern programming langauges able to support asynchronous design with a few keywords changes. We need to learn about async programming as well or otherwise the server program will not be able to scale-up.