Sunday, June 26, 2016

System design with ASHX web services (JQuery + AJAX + partial HTML UI)

Recently, we are working on a few new systems with ASP.NET. In the past, we are using Page (ASPX) + ScriptManager and we are facing some limitation in the system design which includes the following:
  • The system does not allow the user to add a new "item" into the drop down list on the fly.
  • The drop down list contains a few hundred items and we need to incorporate the 'search' functionality or paging to avoid all items to be loaded in one shot.
  • The data submitted to server failed to meet the validation process and causing the entire page sent back to the client (which travel from client to the server and then back to the client).
To solve these types of problem, we need to have a new design to the foundation of the system.
  • We must use JQuery + AJAX + partial HTML UI design so that it allows the user from adding "item" to the drop down list on the fly. The partial HTML UI will appear on the screen as a popup for user adding new item. After the user has submitted the new item to the server, validated OK and it will be added to the drop down list on the fly (with JQuery) without reloading the page or navigating to another page.
  • The drop down list that contains lots of item will be replace by a textbox. Upon the user clicking on this textbox, the items will be loaded from the server (with AJAX calls) and then display in the popup (with JQuery + partial HTML UI). To improve the user's experience, you may consider the auto-complete feature upon the user typing the text or divide the data using the paging concept.
  • We must do more AJAX calls for submitting the user input to be validated by the system. In case of any failure such as validation failed, the server should returns the error message only. This avoids the entire page to be re-created in the server and then send to the browser.
With the new design, the system becomes more responsive and lesser network traffic. But, we still have a problem on how to handle the AJAX call. Are we going to have one ASHX to handle one process (that will end up on lots of ASHX)? Or are we going to have only one ASHX entry point that handles all the requests?

To solve this problem, here is the list of frequent use "web service" to be implemented with Handler (ASHX):
  • ~/q  - this web service handles the "query" that includes CRUD (create, return, update & delete) processes, daily process, ad-hoc process and all other business processes. The report request is another area which you may consider to put into this service.
  • ~/t - this web service returns the "HTML template" (partial HTML UI design) to be injected to the current web page. By creating the partial HTML UI file, it allows the designer to work on the layout without have to go through all the JQuery + the DOM element generation (i.e., low level stuffs). Modifying the DOM elements using JQquery is very time consuming and it requires a more expensive Javascript programmer. But, we have done it with a cheaper costing. The nice partial HTML UI has been done by the designer and the programmer requires to populate the JSON data into the appropriate placeholder.
  • ~/f - this web service handles all the file services that include upload, download/view. For example, when the user calls out the "contact list", it shows the profile photo of the contact. This profile photo IMG SRC is "~/f?contact_id=124567" where "contact_id" is the primary key value of the contact. It does not point to any physical file name. The "f" service will do all the necessary at the server side and returns the binary of the photo (an image file).
To setup the above shortcut, you have to create mapped URL in web.config. For example,

      <add url="~/q" mappedUrl="~/myWebService/q.ashx"/>

The design these web services:
  • Client is making a request to the web service:
    • "code" - the command code, object type or process code to be executed.
    • "action" - this includes CRUD and other actions (such as run daily job, run hour job).
    • "query parameters" - the query parameters are wrapped into a JSON object. For example, the client is requesting the customers who is owing more than $10,000 for more than 90 days.
  • Responding to the client:
    • "msg" - the message to the client. "ok" to indicate the query has successfully executed. Otherwise, it contains the error message.
    • "list" - the list of JSON formatted data requested by the client. This information is optional.
Some of you might be thinking why we are not using REST for these web services. The answer is simple: we don't need to given definition to the "method". Such as PUT or POST method. What if the user wants to execute an ad-hoc process (POST or custom method)?