Monday, October 22, 2012

Scaling out your system using web services

There are many different ways to improve the system respond time: one of the strategy is call scaling out. In our system design, we are implementing the "basic modules" (i.e., the system infrastructure) in web service and it is able to achieve this easily.

Web service does not have a huge different from a website. The noticeable different is that it does not have user interface (or web pages) for visitor to access. You may imagine that the web service like a mobile phone station/transmitter which is providing connection to the mobile phone. In .Net, the web service is implemented in ASMX format, WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) or simply ASPX (which returns the data in XML or JSON format).

Now, the best part of web service is not something that will make our solution cool. Instead, it is able to scale out to a server other than the web server (that is hosting the website). In this case, our customer might end up with a web server to host the website, a few web servers that host the web services.

Many programmers argue that web service is slow because of XML SOAP involves in the communication. It's true that web service in ASMX is slow but the visitor won't really feel it because of these communications were made among the web servers which is sitting next to each other. Of course, the web service implemented in XML SOAP is not suitable for real-time application. The real-time application requires low level socket programming and the handling strategy will be different.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Security web service

When you are developing a large scale application, you need a security module that is able to authenticate the users. In our system design, we developed a security web service which is shared among the sub-modules and also reduce the development time.

In .Net, you can achieve this with the technology that you want:
  • Implementing the security service using ASMX/ASHX - this service will be hosted through HTTP/HTTPS.
  • Implementing the security service using WCF - in this case, you will have the choices of different protocols such as TCP, named pipe, etc.
If you are asking why we need to reinvent the wheel when .Net comes already have this security feature for enterprise? The answer is simple: our security web service can be tailored made based on our customer's requirements. We know that not all projects that we are involving requires a complex security service. Some requires a basic login with user name and password only. Some requires the security control upto field on the screen.

Updates on 6th May 2017 - it seems like ASMX or WCF are quite hard to be converted to other programming language/platform. Best is to use ASHX (i.e., generic handler) which has a faster response time due to it's simplicity and  flexibility. It's also easier to port over to other programming language/platform.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Security design consideration for web application

The security problem with web application:

  • Web application is easier to hack as long as you know the URL - this means that some security control must be implemented in the web application.
  • The primary key value of the table is integer data type - this is easier to guess what's next value. For example, "" and the next record is "".
  • Session ID - you may rely on the session ID or you handle it your own.
  • Deleting record with JavaScript confirmation and then fire AJAX call to the delete action URL - is this secured? Does the delete action page implemented sufficient control?
  • Folder with read & write permission for user uploading file - without limiting the file type that is acceptable by the web application, your website will have a security hole that can be exploited.
  • Audit log should include the browser type, URL referrer and also the user's IP address. Without these information, it will be impossible to track who has accessed which feature/data.
My question is that do you have all your ASPX web page inherit from your custom page class or System.Web.UI.Page class? If you are using the later, then, you are letting your programmer to implement all kinds of security control that might have security loop hole.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Security check point

In Windows client, you can develop a static function call SecurityCheckPoint() that gets the user ID and password. This SecurityCheckPoint() method will be very useful whenever you want the user to re-authenticate before any process start OR you want to get the supervisor authentication.

Well, this can be useful for the web application as well but you need to implement it using JavaScript that show a modal dialog and AJAX calls for authentication.