Monday, May 15, 2017

A better way to configure Intelli-sense for Javascript in VS2015

Now, I'm moving toward the direction of developing fat client using Javascript (JS) and I need a
better way of enable the intelli-sense support for Javascript in the fat client.

Earlier, I found out that we can include the reference in each JS file by adding the following line.
When the number of JS files that you are developing are increasing, added this reference line might be headache.

   /// <reference path="jquery-1.7.js" />

Here is a better way:

1. Add a "_references.js" file into "js" folder (let says you are keeping all your JS files in a folder call "js" instead of "scripts").

2. In the Quick Launch bar (located at top right corner), key in "Javascript" and look for "IntelliSense -> References"  option. Clicks on it.

3. Choose "Implicit (Web)" option.
4. In the "Add a reference to current group" field, key in "~/js/_references.js".
5. Click Add button.
6. Click OK.

7. Back to the Solution Explorer. Right click on _references.js and you will find two new options.

- Auto-sync- means that VS will add all the JS files automatically.
- Update Javascript References - this is manually sync the JS files.